Vermilion Harvest


Playtime at the Bagh

Publish Date: July 15, 2024
Blurb: Playtime at the Bagh

In a politically tense Amritsar in 1919, an Anglo-Indian schoolteacher and a feisty Muslim stu-dent activist fall in love, but find that courting openly is easier said than done — not only are they from different communities but his political activism comes at the cost of their romance. Against the deadline of a ticking time-bomb, the schoolteacher must find her lover to warn him about General Dyer’s impending attack on Jallianwallah Bagh. But will she succeed in getting to the venue on time? ‘Playtime at the Bagh’ during Baisakhi is a metaphor for General Dyer’s game of bullets in Jallianwallah Bagh on April 13th 1919.


  • The MidWest Book Review says “the psychology of motivation and relationships which simmer beneath the emerging political struggle makes Vermilion Harvest a powerful read.”
  • Saugata Mukherjee, Head of Content at Warner Media India, calls it a “stunning love story amidst one of the darkest moments in modern Indian history.”

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